1. 可以的,光照,温度等环境适合就可以下蛋
2. 下单不受季节控制,主要是各方面条件适合就可以。主要是气温条件:要看气温吧,气温过高过低都影响生蛋。还有气候,光照都很重要。
3. 比如挂电灯,点蜡烛,都可以促进鸡生蛋
Green shell is better than general poultry. The blood and flesh is rich in nutrients, which is a high protein, nutritious low fat-grade health products, with high therapeutic effect. Green shell is an emerging aquaculture industry, with the gradual scientific breeding hens, brood rearing stage management more and more farmers by the majority of the attention layer.
In the early brood rearing Green shell should focus on the work of preparation, in the brood process, the need for proper lighting, temperature, humidity, stocking density, feed, ventilation and other favorable conditions, strict disinfection and quarantine work to ensure that chicks in the brooding period normal growth and development.